How to land a new job you want
EditorialRoom 12th July 2024

Feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated at work? Looking to land a new role? Your success depends largely on hiring trends and the economy but with the right preparation your dream can become your reality. Job hunting can be challenging and time-consuming but regardless of where you’re applying, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of getting hired.
Lean On Your Network
Not all jobs are made public. Utilise your network, let friends, ex-colleagues, family know that you’re looking for a new position.
Do your research
Learn all about the company and position you’re applying for, and then learn some more. Delve into the company’s culture, values, and reputation. Understand their mission and vision to ensure alignment with your own goals and values.
Update your resume
Don’t use the same resume for all jobs. Different roles will require different skill sets, so brush it up. The more you can tailor your application the better your chances become. Make sure the resume is typo-free and upload it to online job boards.
Prepare for the job interview
Make a list of possible questions an interviewer can ask you and prepare and practise your answers. Make your responses sound and feel authentic.
Maintain a positive attitude
If you face rejections, seek feedback whenever possible. Constructive criticism can help you improve and refine your approach. Staying optimistic can keep you motivated and prepared for the right opportunity.